"Oh, the places you'll go!"

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Madrid, Spain is known for it’s famous bullfighting, flamenco dancers, notorious cured ham, beautiful art museums, beautiful ancient architecture, having and for it’s beautiful plazas. But beyond all of it’s famous, well-known attractions, there are more beautiful mysteries hidden inside the city. Retiro Park is mostly known for it's big monument of King Alfonso XII and it's surrounding pond where people can be found canoeing and mingling with each other.
Monument of King Alfonso XII and pond
I find some of the other surrounding areas, however, more unique. 
If you wander around more, you’ll find the above mentioned park, which I like to call "Dr. Seuss Land" because it has such unique landscaping that it reminds me of a place that would come out of one of his stories. In Spain, it’s much easier to find a big hunk of meat to eat than it is to find vegetables, which I think may be one reason why I liked this park- because I love my veggies and the trees look like broccoli to me.  From the broccoli looking trees to the statue in the middle of the plaza, to the castle and smoke off in the background, this shows you deep inside Madrid. It makes Madrid look mysterious. Like who lives in the distant castle, and where is that smoke coming from in the background?